I've ever gone to bali for 3 times. The last time I came to bali,there was nothing too special.I joint a school trip in the case of "study tour". I also got something like this in my junior high school.And I think there's nothing diferent since my JHS era. We went to the same place with the same story from the local guide.Oh So BORED trip.
But luckily there was one place I never came before.That was a mangrove forest area in Taman Hutan Rakyat Ngurah Rai.Hmm, it's a large area full of mangrove trees.Mangrove trees are usefull to prevent abration of sea water.First time I came there, I thought we have to go down and raked in the dough to see the mangrove area closely.But I was wrong at all.The area is really being made for tourist.And even it got a predicat as the best mangrove forest area in Asia .It's a beautiful enough place to spend holiday.There's a wooden path street along the area,so we haven't worried to become wet.And in some area we can find a wooden tower to see mangrove area from above.Yeah it was the my favourit spot of my last trip to bali.

The wooden path

The wooden tower
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