Monday, December 20, 2010

paper christmas

In case of next saturday will be a christmas, so i think of make some christmas stuff.Since i was a lil kid honestly i've never had like cristmas tree or red stocking to hang.Sounds poor,but that because my mom always say that it's better to give the christmas wage for orphan than just waste it to unecessary stuff like that,than in bible Jesus never ask people to buy tree or stocking.GAHH,yes yes yes mom.

But,this time i really want a christmas tree and red stocking.And i get a good idea to make one whitout waste money.Make the paper version.I really thanks to my bff Lini that help me to realize that idea.Ok and next Saturday will be my first paper Christmas.Must be nicer than the last .

paper tree i make

paper stocing,i put my 3 wishes inside
me,my sista,and my bff Lini


Frankly Christober Pamian said...

mau dong papernya...

Frankly Christober Pamian said...

mau dong papernya...

thomessa said...

awesome paper tree!!!

Imsu said...

The paper tree is really adorable!
Merry Christmas!

karolinka_997 said...

Nice blog;) Merry X-mas!